The Gyro Tower 1200 (made in Switzerland) is a ride as well as an observation tower. It revolves 360 degrees, providing a full panoramic view of the surrounding area and allows visitors to see the features of the park from another perspective. It also contributes to the overall attractiveness of the park. The Gyro Tower 1200 is a prominent feature at many of the Sea World Parks, Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA, Carowinds (Paramount) in Charlotte, NC, and Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. Knot's Berry Farm in Anaheim, CA has converted a Gyro Tower 1200 into a parachute drop and has used it as a featured attraction for years.



Technical Data

Total Height: 330 Feet
Traveling Height of Cabin: 220 Feet
Passengers per Ride: 70 People
Hourly Capacity: 1,100 People per hour
Lifting Speed: 300 Feet per minute
Required Space: 45 Foot Diameter
Power Lifting Drive: 94 kW
Power Rotating Drive: 5 kW
Replacement Cost: Over $3 Million - US
Current Status: Unassembled
Price: Negotiable

Proposal for Sale and Purchase

Attached herein is material regarding our offering of the Intaman built Gyro 1200 Observation Sky Tower. The Gyro 1200 is the very same model as the ones which currently operate at Sea Worlds, Paramount Parks, Six Flags, and many more Major Theme Parks.

Briefly used in the 80's and acquired by a land lease default,.. this is an opportunity to join the ranks of the above attractions at less than 1/3 the cost.

The Gyro 1200 comes already equipped with the 70 person observation cabin. It may also be adapted with additional hardware packages to accommodate the Parachute ride,.. Communications electronics,.. and Large Reader Board Graphics. The corporate sponsorship implications with it's natural 330' grand marquis are phenomenal.

There is current engineering on the ride by Otis Elevator Co., it has been completely sand blasted, painted white, and mechanically refurbished.

The asking price is $ 650,000.00 US plus installation estimated at and additional $ 400,000.00 estimated by U.S. standards. This is just about 1/3 of the cost to install a new Gyro 1200.

Thanks again for your consideration,.. please let me know how I may be of further help or service.

Entertainment Developers
2632 NW 43RD ST/ Suite A 109/Gainesville, FL 32606/PH 352.377.2452/ FAX 352.377.2400 Email Us

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